NaNoWriMo* – Day 19 of 30

If you’ve been following along with me during this 30-Day Challenge, you may be wondering if I abandoned my running and training plan.

I’m happy to report that I am still running and training!!!

My current 30-challenge; however has revolved around developing the discipline to write every day. So that has resulted in a jumbled set of posts that don’t really follow any pattern, but I am so thrilled that to-date I have posted EVERY DAY for the last 19 days!!!

That in itself is a win for me, since I usually am very good at “issuing challenges”, but not necessarily great at execution and follow-through! So with 11 days remaining, I hope you will stick with me and understand that I am mainly writing with a “stream of consciousness” approach. Whatever comes to mind that particular day is what ends up in my post 😎

But about the training… today Coach Amy instructed me to run 3 miles EASY with a 2-minute warm-up and a 2-minute cool-down. Not only did I accomplish that, I did it pushing a stroller (with our grandson – a super cute running partner)!!!

Stay with me, I’m about to turn the corner and see the finish line!!!

*NaNoWriMo is an annual event that challenges you to write a novel of 50,000 words in one month! Crazy right? Not everyone uses the challenge to write a novel – we are called NaNoRebels. For example, I challenged myself to write one blog post every day for a month and that is what you are seeing in these NaNoWriMo posts!!!