NaNoWriMo* – Day 2 of 30



Mondays definitely get a bad rap.

Maybe it is deserved, maybe not. I decided to do an informal survey and see where people align with how they feel about Mondays. Is it that we are simply following the crowd in its collective dread of Mondays but secretly we are more likely to be excited about the possibilities that exist at the start of a new week?

I’ll report back next Monday with the results of my study. In the meantime, here are three fun facts about “Monday” taken from “22 Facts About Monday To Kickstart Your Week“…

1. Monday is the only day of the week...
that is an anagram for a single word. That word is ‘dynamo’.

2. A study completed in 2011 reveals that…
the average person moans for 34 minutes on a Monday, compared to only 22 minutes the other days.

3. When scientists recorded emotions of people during each day, they found…
Monday to be no different from Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. However, when they asked people to REMEMBER which day was most stressful, they always said Monday. This apparently is due to a larger emotional shift from Sunday to Monday, than there is between Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Happy Monday Everyone!!!

*If you’re wondering what NaNoWriMo is… it stands for National Novel Writing Month. NaNoWriMo is an annual event that began in 1999 as a challenge to writers to write a novel of 50,000 words in one month! Whew, crazy right? Not everyone uses this challenge to write a novel. Take me for example, I signed up for NaNoWriMo and challenged myself to write one blog post every day for a month and that is what you are seeing in these NaNoWriMo posts!!!

NaNoWriMo – Day 1 of 30

hand, finger, turn on

The Relaunch

I must have started and re-started this blog a gazillion times. Will this be the time it sticks? I sure hope so.

It’s November 1st, 2020, a happy/sad day. Happy because it’s my Mom’s birthday and that makes me smile. Sad because this is her 5th birthday in heaven and I really really wish I could give her a big birthday hug in person.

Because I can’t do that and since my Mom was such a lover of reading, I thought I would honor her by starting the NaNoWriMo writing challenge. If you haven’t heard of NaNoWriMo, let me fill you in. It stands for “National Novel Writing Month” and it’s been happening every November since 1999. Their site explains it better than I could…

It’s a wild, fast-paced creative writing event where the challenge is to write 50,000 words of the first draft of a novel in just 30 days. That’s 1,667 words (or about 6.5 double-spaced typed pages) a day! For comparison, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is 50,061 words and The Giver by Lois Lowry is 41,905 words.


Because I am not writing a novel, I am challenging myself to writing one blog post a day for the entire month of November. This is Day 1 of 30 – I hope you will stick with me and see where this month takes me 🙂 For fun, I’ve invited some family members to join me in this challenge. You can start your own NaNoWriMo challenge too! If you do, let me know what your challenge is and how it’s going – I’d love to support you in your writing goals as well!

Let’s do this!

Can you help?

Welcome to my world.  I hope you’ll stay awhile and help me on my way.  After 36 years, God knows I can’t do this on my own.  It is seriously going to take a community pushing me through.

Can I count on your help?

If I were the reader, I might be ready to hit the “bye-bye” button.  But wait… there maybe something in it for you.  Here’s my offer to you.  Here you will find a place to…

Laugh out loud (like nobody’s listening)

Join a community of dream chasers 

Access a swag bag of free stuff to help you on your journey

Share your triumphs, bumps, bruises and runner face-plants with others

⇒ Cross the finish line with your arms waving wildly in the air as you realize a long-held dream

Will you join me?  Let’s go!!!