Category: Did You Know

NaNoWriMo* – Day 15 of 30

Pushing through the Valley of Despair!

Psychologists Don Kelley and Daryl Connor describe “The Emotional Cycle of Change,” as following five stages. It’s a model that Brian P. Moran refers to in his book “The 12-Week Year” and one that I have found very applicable to setting and reaching goals.

Since today finds me squatting in the Valley, I thought it would be appropriate to share this information – perhaps it will help you as it does me!!!

A little insight into why we might be falling into a negative state can help us see a way to the next positive state!!!

The Emotional Cycle of Change and my thoughts…

1 – Uninformed Optimism: Starting something new – it’s fun and exciting. You don’t see any of the potential downsides to your goal/challenge. You pass quickly through this stage.

2 – Informed Pessimism: Newness has worn off – you’re thinking “Is this really worth the effort? What am I missing out on because I’m spending time here?”

3 – Valley of Despair: Negative thoughts have peaked and any potential benefits still seem a long way off. This is where most people throw in the towel because it just isn’t worth it. And if you quit here, you get to go back to the fun stage (and repeat the cycle). If you have a compelling vision it will help you push through the Valley of Despair.

4 – Informed Optimism: Your work is starting to pay off. Fun is returning to what you are focusing on. You can see a finish line in the distance. Time to accelerate your efforts!

5 – Successful Completion: You can look back with satisfaction on a goal/challenge/task achieved. YAY!!!

If I continue to focus on doing the necessary daily actions/tasks (writing every morning and following my coach’s training plan for running) I feel confident that I will “PUSH THROUGH” to successful completion!!!

How about you?

Where are you in this chart? Let me know in the comments below!

*NaNoWriMo is an annual event that challenges you to write a novel of 50,000 words in one month! Crazy right? Not everyone uses the challenge to write a novel – we are called NaNoRebels. For example, I challenged myself to write one blog post every day for a month and that is what you are seeing in these NaNoWriMo posts!!!

NaNoWriMo* – Day 11 of 30

Thank You Veterans

Did you know?

Veterans Day is held in honor of all those who served or are serving in the United States Armed Forces in war or peace. This is different from Memorial Day which honors those who died while serving.

Why November 11th?

It was at 11am on November 11, 1918 that a temporary peace, or armistice, was signed and the fighting during World War I came to an end.

A little more history…

1919 – President Woodrow Wilson announced that November 11th would be called “Armistice Day” in the United States.

1938 – Armistice Day became a national federal holiday dedicated to world peace and held in honor of WWI veterans.

1954 – Congress changed the day to Veterans Day to honor veterans of all wars.

1968 – Congress moved the date to the 4th Monday of November, presumably to spur travel and other family activities over a long weekend, which in turn would help stimulate the economy.

1978 – Veterans Day was changed back to November 11th as a matter of historic and patriotic significance.

Every Year a National Ceremony is held at Arlington National Cemetery. The president gives a speech and veterans are honored. At 11am a moment of silence is observed to honor those who served.

Do other countries celebrate Veterans Day?

World War I was a multinational effort, so many of our allies also celebrate on November 11th. However, the name of the day and the types of commemorations differ.

Canada and Australia both call Nov. 11 “Remembrance Day.” Canada’s observance is pretty similar to the US, except many of its citizens wear red poppy flowers to honor their war dead. In Australia, the day is more like Memorial Day.

Great Britain calls it “Remembrance Day,” too, but observes it on the Sunday closest to Nov. 11 with parades, services and two minutes of silence in London to honor those who lost their lives in war.