Category: Training

NaNoWriMo* – Day 20 of 30

“Today, Today is a Holiday” … John Kanaka-naka tu-lai-e!!!

Today indeed was a holiday from running or a rest day as Coach Amy calls it. We didn’t exactly rest, but went on a hike up Green Mountain outside of Boone, NC. So technically I didn’t rest my legs, but it was a beautiful day and we were hiking with family. Life is good.

Oh, and look up and play the song “John Kanaka” by Fisherman’s Friends. It should make you smile.

Back at it tomorrow with a 6-miler.

*NaNoWriMo is an annual event that challenges you to write a novel of 50,000 words in one month! Crazy right? Not everyone uses the challenge to write a novel – we are called NaNoRebels. For example, I challenged myself to write one blog post every day for a month and that is what you are seeing in these NaNoWriMo posts!!!

NaNoWriMo* – Day 19 of 30

If you’ve been following along with me during this 30-Day Challenge, you may be wondering if I abandoned my running and training plan.

I’m happy to report that I am still running and training!!!

My current 30-challenge; however has revolved around developing the discipline to write every day. So that has resulted in a jumbled set of posts that don’t really follow any pattern, but I am so thrilled that to-date I have posted EVERY DAY for the last 19 days!!!

That in itself is a win for me, since I usually am very good at “issuing challenges”, but not necessarily great at execution and follow-through! So with 11 days remaining, I hope you will stick with me and understand that I am mainly writing with a “stream of consciousness” approach. Whatever comes to mind that particular day is what ends up in my post 😎

But about the training… today Coach Amy instructed me to run 3 miles EASY with a 2-minute warm-up and a 2-minute cool-down. Not only did I accomplish that, I did it pushing a stroller (with our grandson – a super cute running partner)!!!

Stay with me, I’m about to turn the corner and see the finish line!!!

*NaNoWriMo is an annual event that challenges you to write a novel of 50,000 words in one month! Crazy right? Not everyone uses the challenge to write a novel – we are called NaNoRebels. For example, I challenged myself to write one blog post every day for a month and that is what you are seeing in these NaNoWriMo posts!!!

NaNoWriMo* – Day 17 of 30

In October of 2018 I ran the Chicago Marathon as part of the ALZ Stars team and to support research and funding for Alzheimer’s programs.

In July of 2019, my Dad passed away. He had Alzheimer’s.

My sister who is just 2 years older than me is in advanced stages of Alzheimer’s. She was diagnosed in her 50’s. She’s not doing so well right now. That’s her in the picture on the left. She loves flowers.

I run for her, and in memory of my Dad and for countless others who suffer from the disease or are actively caring for someone who does. It is a devastating disease. We need to keep fighting for a cure.

Alzheimer’s Sucks.

*NaNoWriMo is an annual event that challenges you to write a novel of 50,000 words in one month! Crazy right? Not everyone uses the challenge to write a novel – we are called NaNoRebels. For example, I challenged myself to write one blog post every day for a month and that is what you are seeing in these NaNoWriMo posts!!!

NaNoWriMo* – Day 16 of 30

Beat back the doldrums with a run.

Amp it up more by inviting your best buds to run with you!!!

Although I consider myself a mostly positive person, there are days where things are just kinda blah. I think I’ve noticed a pattern. It seems like the doldrum days tend to follow a day or a period of great excitement.

It may be a day or so after a race or other type of event, when the afterglow has worn off and I’m left with just some sore legs or a muscle ache or two. Or when we’ve just gotten back from a vacay and the smell of the dirty laundry is overpowering the lingering memories of the fun we had.

When I find myself in the middle of a doldrum day, I push myself to move!

There’s nothing like a bit of movement to shake off the blues, whether they be Monday Blues or any other day blues. Which reminds me – in an earlier post I talked about a survey I am doing to report on whether the “Monday Blues” are a real thing or just an opportunity to jump on the bandwagon of shared misery.

I am still gathering responses and would love to include you in the survey. Choose from the following four answers to my “Monday Question” and include it in the comments below. Thank you to those who do – I really appreciate it!!!

Which statement best describes your view of Mondays…

1 – I dread Mondays. It means the start of another long work week, with the weekend seeming so far away.

2 – I look forward to Mondays. It’s always great to get a fresh start to a new week.

3 – I am a bandwagon rider. I’ll bemoan Mondays with the best of them, but I don’t really mind Mondays at all.

4 – I am ambivalent. I don’t really dread Mondays, but I don’t necessary get all excited about a Monday either.

Cheers to Mondays! Cheryl

*NaNoWriMo is an annual event that challenges you to write a novel of 50,000 words in one month! Crazy right? Not everyone uses the challenge to write a novel – we are called NaNoRebels. For example, I challenged myself to write one blog post every day for a month and that is what you are seeing in these NaNoWriMo posts!!!

NaNoWriMo* – Day 15 of 30

Pushing through the Valley of Despair!

Psychologists Don Kelley and Daryl Connor describe “The Emotional Cycle of Change,” as following five stages. It’s a model that Brian P. Moran refers to in his book “The 12-Week Year” and one that I have found very applicable to setting and reaching goals.

Since today finds me squatting in the Valley, I thought it would be appropriate to share this information – perhaps it will help you as it does me!!!

A little insight into why we might be falling into a negative state can help us see a way to the next positive state!!!

The Emotional Cycle of Change and my thoughts…

1 – Uninformed Optimism: Starting something new – it’s fun and exciting. You don’t see any of the potential downsides to your goal/challenge. You pass quickly through this stage.

2 – Informed Pessimism: Newness has worn off – you’re thinking “Is this really worth the effort? What am I missing out on because I’m spending time here?”

3 – Valley of Despair: Negative thoughts have peaked and any potential benefits still seem a long way off. This is where most people throw in the towel because it just isn’t worth it. And if you quit here, you get to go back to the fun stage (and repeat the cycle). If you have a compelling vision it will help you push through the Valley of Despair.

4 – Informed Optimism: Your work is starting to pay off. Fun is returning to what you are focusing on. You can see a finish line in the distance. Time to accelerate your efforts!

5 – Successful Completion: You can look back with satisfaction on a goal/challenge/task achieved. YAY!!!

If I continue to focus on doing the necessary daily actions/tasks (writing every morning and following my coach’s training plan for running) I feel confident that I will “PUSH THROUGH” to successful completion!!!

How about you?

Where are you in this chart? Let me know in the comments below!

*NaNoWriMo is an annual event that challenges you to write a novel of 50,000 words in one month! Crazy right? Not everyone uses the challenge to write a novel – we are called NaNoRebels. For example, I challenged myself to write one blog post every day for a month and that is what you are seeing in these NaNoWriMo posts!!!

NaNoWriMo* – Day 14 of 30

Team “Christop Crew” for the Shakori 40

Shakori Hills is a beautiful farm of rolling hills and meadows in the heart of North Carolina. This region is renowned for its rich cultural heritage and is most famous for the Shakori Hills Grassroots Music Festival held every spring and fall.

The Shakori 40 Running Festival had events for 40k Individual, 40 mile individual and 40 mile team relay. We entered the team relay with five members of our family.

We took 10th out of 74 teams, on the backs of our two fastest runners. Each person on the team has to run at least one 4-mile course loop. I managed two loops for the 8-miles I needed to check the box on my training plan for today.

The remnants of a hurricane had barreled through 2 days earlier so it was more of a mud run than anything else. It was the kind of thick wet mud that grabs your shoes and doesn’t want to let go. Throw a few hills in and some single-track and I was thankful to finish my first 4-miles at a 10:22 pace. The second 4-mile loop, well let’s just say I got my 8-miles in today.

All in all, it was a super fun day with all the energy that surrounds race day. It’s been hard to find in-person events this year so we were really excited to participate in this one.

*NaNoWriMo is an annual event that challenges you to write a novel of 50,000 words in one month! Crazy right? Not everyone uses the challenge to write a novel – we are called NaNoRebels. For example, I challenged myself to write one blog post every day for a month and that is what you are seeing in these NaNoWriMo posts!!!

NaNoWriMo* – Day 10 of 30

First NaNoWriMo milestone!

When I started this 30 day writing challenge as a way to motivate me to blog about my life-long goal, I wasn’t sure if I would make it past a week. But here I am, 10 days in and I haven’t even cheated haha!

3 things have helped me stick with it so far…

1 – I shared what I was doing with others and made it visible through the NaNoWriMo site.

2 – I started writing at the same time and in the same place every day. I actually started doing this only 3 days ago, but that’s when I seriously felt I was in danger of throwing in the towel on the challenge. I call it “my bunker” and it adds an element of fun to say, “hey, I’m heading to my bunker to do my writing”. Maybe there’s something to that. Anyway, if you’re doing the NaNoWriMo thing, I would encourage you to find a place and time of day you can do your thing regularly.

Disclaimer on the Bunker idea – be prepared for snide remarks from others close to you if you exit the bunker during your scheduled time. Thanks for the support Pete, but I really had to go to the bathroom 😒

3 – I check in at NaNoWriMo to see if I’ve gotten any reward badges which are goofy but oddly encouraging. I know there’s research to support both camps – external and intrinsic rewards, but heck I say if it works do it! We are not a one-size fits all world, so you need to find what works for you!!!

The reward thing has me thinking of re-visiting an idea I had awhile back – more in the posts to come.

One third of the way there and feeling strong!

Since running is actually the point of my blog, here’s a quick update on how yesterday’s “Tired Run” went…

2-minute warmup jogging lightly ✔

3 miles at best effort – don’t overdo it ✔

2-minute cool down jogging lightly ✔


Note to self… Align future runs with the day and time those neighbors are walking 😉

Can you tell I just figured out how to use the built-in system emojis? 🤣

  • Windows devices: Windows Key + the period
  • On a Mac: Command + Control + Space

Can’t wait to introduce you to my Polish Grandma – I think you’ll ♥ her 😘

In the meantime, comment below where your “Bunker” is. Mine is in the grandkids room.

*If you’re wondering what NaNoWriMo is… it stands for National Novel Writing Month. NaNoWriMo is an annual event that began in 1999 as a challenge to writers to write a novel of 50,000 words in one month! Whew, crazy right? Not everyone uses this challenge to write a novel. Take me for example, I signed up for NaNoWriMo and challenged myself to write one blog post every day for a month and that is what you are seeing in these NaNoWriMo posts!!!

NaNoWriMo* – Day 9 of 30

Yesterday was a rest day

A rest day from running that is! Thanks Coach. Sundays are always super busy around are house. Pete and I raised three boys who did anything but rest from day 1, so sometimes the weekends are more tiring than the work week. I was thankful to not have to squeeze in a training run after pounding out that fun benchmark run. And we celebrated our first grandson turning 6 months with a “eating real” Sunday Family Dinner!!! I’ll explain “eating real” in an upcoming post.

Today’s run is what Coach Amy calls a Tired Run. My Garmin program specifically states to “Give your best effort on tired legs. Don’t overdo it.” Now the way this training program works is that it adapts and changes according to the efforts you put in. So I’m struggling mentally with how to approach today’s run.

For me, best effort means… lay it all out there, no holding back, push until breakfast starts threatening to make an encore appearance or as Jillian Michaels would say – “if you’ve got more, give me more”!

If I do that then my Coach is going to know how fast I can really run and push me harder in the weeks to come and to be honest sometimes I just like to coast. But there is that “don’t overdo it” part. So vague right? Just for fun, I looked up the definition. Here’s what I found…

Overdo… to overtax the strength of; fatigue; exhaust.

Ok, I guess that’s a little more clear and gives me a reason to hold back a little bit – all is good in my running world. On today’s run I will give it my best effort but not exhaust myself.

I just hope the neighbors are all inside.

*If you’re wondering what NaNoWriMo is… it stands for National Novel Writing Month. NaNoWriMo is an annual event that began in 1999 as a challenge to writers to write a novel of 50,000 words in one month! Whew, crazy right? Not everyone uses this challenge to write a novel. Take me for example, I signed up for NaNoWriMo and challenged myself to write one blog post every day for a month and that is what you are seeing in these NaNoWriMo posts!!!

NaNoWriMo* – Day 8 of 30

What my imagination says I look like when I start running.

Day 1 of Training is in the books. Here’s how it went down…

Yesterday, my Garmin Watch Coach ( Coach Amy – who BTW, seems super nice after watching the recorded training plan introduction video) instructed me to warm-up for 2 minutes by jogging easy, then run hard for 5 minutes and then cool down by jogging easy for 2 minutes. Piece of cake right? I almost threw up.

Are you the competitive type?

Well, as much as I try to just chill and take it easy, I can’t help pushing the envelope in ways that are probably not in my best interest. Maybe it was because when I started out jogging “lightly” in my neighborhood, I had to pass two neighbors and I didn’t want them to think a 10-minute mile was all I had in me – right?

So my light jog, turned into more of a “threshold pace”, that’s runner terminology for the pace at which your muscles start fatiguing at a rapid rate.  Not a good way to start my benchmark run. Plus, it meant that the 5 minutes of “running hard” was going to have to be faster, so I got myself into a predicament by letting stupid pride get in the way. Note to self… remind myself that I am no longer 26 🙂

Anyway, with my breathing elevated (and no easy warm-up), I had to move into “running hard” which was unfortunate because like I said, I already was running hard. Now I had to run harder… for 5 long minutes!!!

To make matters worse, MORE neighbors out walking and waving, while I am beat red, sweating profusely and clearly working harder than I should be. Thankfully, I was able to force a smile and pass them before they could offer to call me an ambulance.

Five grueling minutes later, I was able to move into cool down mode – this time with no choice but to jog lightly. Thankfully, no more neighbors to impress.

And, there it is, in the books, Day 1 of my 20 weeks of training for my March Half-Marathon. How is your training going?

*If you’re wondering what NaNoWriMo is… it stands for National Novel Writing Month. NaNoWriMo is an annual event that began in 1999 as a challenge to writers to write a novel of 50,000 words in one month! Whew, crazy right? Not everyone uses this challenge to write a novel. Take me for example, I signed up for NaNoWriMo and challenged myself to write one blog post every day for a month and that is what you are seeing in these NaNoWriMo posts!!!