Category: Uncategorized

Unfinished training plans… what’s up with that?

My success rate is only 25%

I have completed only 4 of the 12 Garmin Coach plans I have started over the last few years. Some were legitimate re-starts but I believe there could be something up that is getting in the way of me completing things. Does this happen to anyone else?

Today I restarted my 1/2 Marathon Training Plan because I had a tentative race date of Nov 4th on the calendar but finally opened the wallet and signed up to run the Holly Springs, North Carolina 1/2 Marathon on November 18th. It was a full two-week difference, and I couldn’t seem to update my current Garmin Coach plan with my new race date. I checked the Garmin forums and found that others had similar issues. I was 7 weeks into a 16-week plan, so I hated to just throw in the towel on that plan, but (and here’s what has me thinking I need to dig deeper), I was kinda glad because I was getting into the tough weeks and well, a restart was a lazy way out.

I decided to dig deeper into what might be causing me to keep stalling out…

  • Laziness – quite possibly
  • Fear of injury – past experience lends credibility to this being a reason
  • Fear of failure – if I don’t complete the training plan and I don’t do well in the race, I have my reason why

The fear of failure pops up as a legitimate issue. So, I went searching for some tips on how to overcome this. Here are some of the strategies I uncovered…

  • Strategy 1
  • Strategy 2
  • Strategy 3

I’m putting this in writing because maybe that will help hold me accountable to completing my current training block. I guess I’ll find out in the next 12 weeks!

See you at the Holly Springs 1/2 Marathon in beautiful Holly Springs, NC on Saturday, November 18th at 7:12am EST!

NaNoWriMo* – Day 18 of 30


Baby it’s cold outside!!! Wasn’t it just 95 with 100% humidity?

Why is it that in the heat of the summer, when the humidity’s high, I dream of a crisp cold breeze; but as soon as the temperatures drop, I’m dreaming of the warmth of the sun. 😂

Warm weather running vs Cold weather running – which do you prefer and why? Let me know in the comments below.

*NaNoWriMo is an annual event that challenges you to write a novel of 50,000 words in one month! Crazy right? Not everyone uses the challenge to write a novel – we are called NaNoRebels. For example, I challenged myself to write one blog post every day for a month and that is what you are seeing in these NaNoWriMo posts!!!

NaNoWriMo* – Day 14 of 30

Team “Christop Crew” for the Shakori 40

Shakori Hills is a beautiful farm of rolling hills and meadows in the heart of North Carolina. This region is renowned for its rich cultural heritage and is most famous for the Shakori Hills Grassroots Music Festival held every spring and fall.

The Shakori 40 Running Festival had events for 40k Individual, 40 mile individual and 40 mile team relay. We entered the team relay with five members of our family.

We took 10th out of 74 teams, on the backs of our two fastest runners. Each person on the team has to run at least one 4-mile course loop. I managed two loops for the 8-miles I needed to check the box on my training plan for today.

The remnants of a hurricane had barreled through 2 days earlier so it was more of a mud run than anything else. It was the kind of thick wet mud that grabs your shoes and doesn’t want to let go. Throw a few hills in and some single-track and I was thankful to finish my first 4-miles at a 10:22 pace. The second 4-mile loop, well let’s just say I got my 8-miles in today.

All in all, it was a super fun day with all the energy that surrounds race day. It’s been hard to find in-person events this year so we were really excited to participate in this one.

*NaNoWriMo is an annual event that challenges you to write a novel of 50,000 words in one month! Crazy right? Not everyone uses the challenge to write a novel – we are called NaNoRebels. For example, I challenged myself to write one blog post every day for a month and that is what you are seeing in these NaNoWriMo posts!!!