Tag: garmin coach

NaNoWriMo* – Day 9 of 30

Yesterday was a rest day

A rest day from running that is! Thanks Coach. Sundays are always super busy around are house. Pete and I raised three boys who did anything but rest from day 1, so sometimes the weekends are more tiring than the work week. I was thankful to not have to squeeze in a training run after pounding out that fun benchmark run. And we celebrated our first grandson turning 6 months with a “eating real” Sunday Family Dinner!!! I’ll explain “eating real” in an upcoming post.

Today’s run is what Coach Amy calls a Tired Run. My Garmin program specifically states to “Give your best effort on tired legs. Don’t overdo it.” Now the way this training program works is that it adapts and changes according to the efforts you put in. So I’m struggling mentally with how to approach today’s run.

For me, best effort means… lay it all out there, no holding back, push until breakfast starts threatening to make an encore appearance or as Jillian Michaels would say – “if you’ve got more, give me more”!

If I do that then my Coach is going to know how fast I can really run and push me harder in the weeks to come and to be honest sometimes I just like to coast. But there is that “don’t overdo it” part. So vague right? Just for fun, I looked up the definition. Here’s what I found…

Overdo… to overtax the strength of; fatigue; exhaust.

Ok, I guess that’s a little more clear and gives me a reason to hold back a little bit – all is good in my running world. On today’s run I will give it my best effort but not exhaust myself.

I just hope the neighbors are all inside.

*If you’re wondering what NaNoWriMo is… it stands for National Novel Writing Month. NaNoWriMo is an annual event that began in 1999 as a challenge to writers to write a novel of 50,000 words in one month! Whew, crazy right? Not everyone uses this challenge to write a novel. Take me for example, I signed up for NaNoWriMo and challenged myself to write one blog post every day for a month and that is what you are seeing in these NaNoWriMo posts!!!